Agnes Scott College
Larry Riddle, Agnes Scott College

Sierpinski Carpet Relatives Count


squares removed1234567
number of fractals257326230162653511

The subsquares are numbered as follows, and initially oriented in the up direction as illustrated by the arrows in the image on the right.

code  initialorientation

We will restrict our count to Sierpinski Carpet relatives that are symmetric with respect to the vertical diagonal in the initial square. This means that squares 1, 5, and 9 can only be rotated by 0° or 180°. In addition, the squares in the pairs (2,3), (4,6), and (7,8) must either be both pointing up, both pointing down, or one pointing right and the other pointing left. Following is an example of these various symmetric possibilities.


So once a rotation is chosen for squares 2, 4, and 7, the rotations for squares 3, 6, and 8 are uniquely determined. We will also count two fractals as the same if one is a reflection of the other across the horizontal diagonal in the initial square.

Note: All fractals are shown using 4 iterations.

Remove 1

If only 1 square is removed, it must be either square 1, 5, or 9.

Remove square 5

Removing square 5, the middle square, with no additional rotations produces the Sierpinski carpet.

m1-5design m1-5

Because of the rotational symmetry of the fractal, the image can be rotated 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees without changing the image. This means that each of the eight remaining squares in the construction can be rotated by any of these angles and the iterative construction will produce the same fractal. So removing square 5 produces only one possible fractal.

Remove square 9

Removing square 9, the top square, with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m1-5design m1-5

Squares 1 and 5 can each be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while squares 2, 4, and 7 each have four choices. There are therefore 22×43 = 256 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal.

Remove square 1

Square 1 is symmetrically located relative to square 9. So each choice of rotations when square 9 is removed has a corresponding choice of rotations when square 1 is removed that will produce fractals that are just reflections of each other across the horizontal diagonal of the original square. For example, compare the two designs below, where the one on the left has square 9 removed and the one on the right has square 1 removed. Click on either fractal to see its reflected version and notice that both are the same when one is reflected.

m1-5design m1-5     m1-5design m1-5

Here is another example where three of the squares (4, 5, and 6) are rotated. Click on either fractal to see its reflected version and notice that both are the same when one is reflected.

m1-92design m1-5     m1-92reflecteddesign m1-92reflected

This can be done for each of the 256 fractals obtained by removing square 9. Therefore deleting only square 1 does not produce any new fractals, just reflections of the ones from removing only square 9.


The total number of fractals when removing just one square is therefore 1 + 256 + 0 = 257.

Remove 2

There are several cases for how two squares can be removed. As above, certain combinations can produce images that are just reflections of each other. Those will be counted together.

Remove squares 5,9 OR remove squares 1,5

Removing squares 5 and 9 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal on the left. The equivalent reflected version from removing squares 1 and 5 is shown on the right.

m2-59design m2-59     m2-15design m2-15

In either case, the remaining square 1 or 9 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while squares 2, 4, and 7 each have four choices. There are therefore 2×43 = 128 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal.

Remove squares 1,9

There are six cases to consider depending on how squares 2, 4, and 7 are rotated.

Case 1. Removing squares 1 and 9 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m2-19design m2-19

Any of the squares can be rotated by 0° or 180° without changing the fractal because of the 180° rotational symmetry of the image. For example, consider the following design where three of the squares are rotated by 180°.

m2-19v2design m2-19v2

Therefore there is only one possible fractal if all squares are rotated by 0° or 180°.

Case 2. Now consider the fractal when only square 4 is rotated by 90° or 270°. Here square 4 is rotated by 90°, and thus square 6 is rotated by 270°.

m2-19-46rotateddesign m2-19-46rotated

Again, because of the symmetry of the fractal, nothing will change if any of the squares with arrows pointing up are rotated by 180°. In addition, rotating the fractal by either 90° or 270° yields the same design, so it doesn't matter whether square 4 is rotated by 90° or 270°. Therefore there is only one possible fractal when square 4 is rotated.

Case 3. Next consider the fractal when squares 2 and 7 are rotated by 90° or 270°. Here they are both rotated by 90°, and thus squares 3 and 8 are rotated by 270°.

m2-19-2378rotateddesign m2-19-2378rotated

As before, because of the symmetry of the fractal, nothing will change if any of the squares with arrows pointing up are rotated by 180°. In addition, rotating the fractal by either 90° or 270° has the same result, so it doesn't matter whether squares 2 and 7 are rotated by 90° or 270°. Therefore there is only one possible fractal when squares 2 and 7 are rotated.

Case 4: There is one more symmetric case where squares 2, 4, and 7 are rotated by 90° or 270°. Here they are all rotated by 90°, and thus squares 3, 6, and 8 are rotated by 270°.

m2-19-247rotateddesign m2-19-247rotated

In a similar way as above, because of the symmetry of the fractal this is the only possible image that can occur in this case regardless in how squares 2, 4, and 7 are rotated by either 90° or 270° and square 5 is rotated by 0° or 180°

Case 5. That takes care of all the symmetric cases. Now suppose square 7 is rotated by 90° or 270°. Here is the fractal if square 7 is rotated by 90°, and so square 8 is rotated by 270°.

m2-19-78rotateddesign m2-19-78rotated

Because of the lack of symmetry, rotating any of the squares with arrows pointing up by 180° will produce a different fractal, and rotating square 7 by 270° will also produce a different fractal. There are two rotation choices for each of the squares 2, 4, 5, and 7, so the total number of possible fractals in this case is 24 = 16. Each of these 16 fractals has a reflected version obtained by rotating square 2 by 90° or 270° instead of square 7. Here is the reflected companion of the fractal shown above. Click on the fractal to reflect it across the horizontal line.

m2-19-23rotateddesign m2-19-23rotated

Case 6. The final case is when squares 4 and 7 are rotated by 90° or 270°. Here is the fractal when both are rotated by 90°.

m2-19-47rotateddesign m2-19-47rotated

Because of the lack of symmetry, there are two possible rotation choices for squares 4 and 7, and two possible rotation choices for squares 2 and 5, for a total of 24 = 16 different fractals. Each of these 16 fractals has a reflected version obtained by rotating squares 2 and 4 by 90° or 270° instead of squares 4 and 7.

This exhausts all possible cases when squares 1 and 9 are removed. Adding up the different number of fractals gives 1+1+1+1+16+16 for a total of 36.

Remove squares 4,6

There are three cases depending on how squares 2 and 7 are rotated.

Case 1. Removing squares 4 and 6 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m2-46design m2-46

Because of the symmetry of the fractal, any of the squares can be rotated by 0° or 180° without changing the image. Therefore there is only one possible fractal if all squares are rotated by 0° or 180°.

Case 2. Consider when square 7 is rotated by 90° or 270°. Here square 7 is rotated by 90° (and thus square 8 is rotated by 180°).

m2-46-7rotateddesign m2-46-7rotated

Because of the lack of symmetry, rotating any of the squares with arrows pointing up by 180° will produce a different fractal, and rotating square 7 by 270° will also produce a different fractal. There are two rotation choices for square 7 and also two rotation choices for each of the squares 1, 2, 5, and 9, so the total number of possible fractals in this case is 25 = 32. Each of these 32 fractals has a reflected version obtained by rotating square 2 by 90° or 270° instead of square 7.

Case 3. For the final case, consider when both square 2 and 7 are rotated by 90° or 270°. Here square 7 is rotated by 90° (and thus square 8 is rotated by 270°), and square 2 is rotated by 270° (and thus square 3 is rotated by 90°).

m2-46-27rotateddesign m2-46-27rotated

As in other cases above, because of the symmetry of the fractal this is the only possible image that can occur in this case regardless in how squares 2 and 7 are rotated by either 90° or 270° and squares 1, 5, and 9 are rotated by 0° or 180°.

This exhausts all possible cases when squares 1 and 9 are removed. Adding up the different number of fractals gives 1+32+1 for a total of 34.

Remove squares 7,8 OR remove squares 2,3

Removing squares 7 and 8 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal on the left. The equivalent reflected version from removing squares 2 and 3 is shown on the right.

m2-78design m2-78     m2-23design m2-23

In either case, the remaining squares 1, 5, and 9 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while squares 2 and 4, or 4 and 7 for the reflected version, each have four choices. There are therefore 23×42 = 128 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal.


The total number of fractals when removing two squares is therefore 128+36+128+34=326.

Remove 3

There are several cases for how three squares can be removed. As above, certain combinations can produce images that are just reflections of each other. Those will be counted together.

Remove squares 1, 5, and 9

This is very similar to the situation for removing two squares where squares 1 and 9 are removed. So the six cases illustrated above for that situation still apply, but square 5 will no longer be involved. The symmetric cases still give only one fractal, whereas the two non-symmetric designs will now only produce 8 fractals each instead of 16. Therefore there will be a total of 1+1+1+1+8+8=20 difference fractals. Here are two examples.

m3-159design m3-159 m3-159-78design m3-159-78    

Remove squares 4, 5, and 6

This is very similar to the situation for removing two squares where squares 4 and 6 are removed. So the three cases illustrated above for that situation still apply, but square 5 will no longer be involved. The symmetric cases still give only one fractal, whereas the one nonsymmetric design will now only produce 16 fractals each instead of 32. Therefore there will be a total of 1+16+1=18 difference fractals.

Remove squares 7,8,9 OR remove squares 1,2,3

Removing squares 7, 8, and 9 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m3-789design m3-789

The remaining squares 1 and 5 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while squares 2 and 4 each have four choices. There are therefore 22×42 = 64 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing squares 1, 2, and 3.

Remove squares 4,6,9 OR remove squares 1,4,6

Removing squares 4, 6, and 9 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m3-469design m3-469

The remaining squares 1 and 5 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while squares 2 and 7 each have four choices. There are therefore 22×42 = 64 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing squares 1, 4, and 6.

Remove squares 2,3,9 OR remove squares 1,7,8

Removing squares 2, 3, and 9 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m3-239design m3-239

The remaining squares 1 and 5 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while squares 4 and 7 each have four choices. There are therefore 22×42 = 64 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing squares 1, 7, and 8.


The total number of fractals when removing two squares is therefore 20+18+64+64+64=230.

Remove 4

There are several cases for how four squares can be removed. As above, certain combinations can produce images that are just reflections of each other. Those will be counted together.

Remove squares 2,3,7,8

Removing squares 2, 3, 7, and 8 with no additional rotations produces the box fractal rotated by 45°.

m4-2378design m4-2378

Because of the rotational symmetry of the fractal, the image can be rotated 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees without changing the image. This means that each of the five remaining squares in the construction can be rotated by any of these angles and the iterative construction will produce the same fractal. So removing these four squares produces only one possible fractal.

Remove squares 1,4,6,9

Removing squares 1, 4, 6, and 9 with no additional rotations produces the following image.

m4-1469design m4-1469

Because of the rotational symmetry of the fractal, the image can be rotated 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees without changing the image. This means that each of the five remaining squares in the construction can be rotated by any of these angles and the iterative construction will produce the same fractal. So removing these four squares produces only one possible fractal.

Remove squares 4,5,6,9 OR remove squares 1,4,5,6

Removing squares 4, 5, 6, and 9 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m4-4569design m4-4569

The remaining square 1 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while squares 4 and 7 each have four choices. There are therefore 2×42 = 32 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing squares 1, 4, 5, and 6.

Remove squares 5,7,8,9 OR remove squares 1,2,3,5

Removing squares 5, 7, 8, and 9 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m4-5789design m4-5789

The remaining square 1 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while squares 2 and 4 each have four choices. There are therefore 2×42 = 32 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing squares 1, 2, 3, and 5.

Remove squares 1,5,7,8 OR remove squares 2,3,5,9

Removing squares 1, 5, 7, and 8 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m4-1578design m4-1578

The remaining square 9 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while squares 2 and 4 each have four choices. There are therefore 2×42 = 32 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing squares 2, 3, 5, and 9.

Remove squares 1,7,8,9 OR remove squares 1,2,3,9

Removing squares 1, 7, 8, and 9 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m4-1789design m4-1789

The remaining square 5 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while squares 2 and 4 each have four choices. There are therefore 2×42 = 32 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing squares 1, 2, 3, and 9.

Remove squares 4,6,7,8 OR remove squares 2,3,4,6

Removing squares 4, 6, 7, and 8 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m4-4678design m4-4678

The remaining squares 1, 5, and 9 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while square 2 has four choices. There are therefore 4×23 = 32 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing squares 2, 3, 4, and 6.


The total number of fractals when removing four squares is therefore 1+1+32+32+32+32+32=162.

Remove 5

There are several cases for how five squares can be removed. As above, certain combinations can produce images that are just reflections of each other. Those will be counted together.

Remove squares 2,3,5,7,8

Removing squares 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m5-23578design m5-23578

Because of the rotational symmetry of the fractal, the image can be rotated 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees without changing the image. This means that each of the five remaining squares in the construction can be rotated by any of these angles and the iterative construction will produce the same fractal. So removing these four squares produces only one possible fractal.

Remove squares 4,6,7,8,9 OR remove squares 1,2,3,4,6

Removing squares 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m5-46789design m5-46789

The remaining squares 1 and 5 can be rotated in two ways and square 2 can be rotated in four ways. There are therefore 4×22 = 16 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing squares 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.

Remove squares 1,5,7,8,9 OR remove squares 1,2,3,5,9

Removing squares 1, 5, 7, 8, and 9 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m5-15789design m5-15789

The remaining squares 2 and 4 can be rotated in four ways. There are therefore 42 = 16 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing squares 1, 2, 3, 5, and 9.

Remove squares 2,3,7,8,9 OR remove squares 1,2,3,7,8

Removing squares 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m5-23789design m5-23789

The remaining squares 1 and 5 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while square 4 has four choices. There are therefore 4×22 = 16 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing squares 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8.

Remove squares 4,5,6,7,8 OR remove squares 2,3,4,5,6

Removing squares 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 with no additional rotations produces the following fractal.

m5-45678design m5-45678

The remaining squares 1 and 9 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while square 2 has four choices. There are therefore 4×22 = 16 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing squares 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.


The total number of fractals when removing five squares is therefore 1+16+16+16+16=65.

Remove 6

There are several cases for how six squares can be removed. As above, certain combinations can produce images that are just reflections of each other. Those will be counted together.

Remove all squares except squares 1,5,9

Removing all squares except for squares 1, 5, and 9 without rotating any of the remaining squares produces the following image (just a vertical line segment, so technically not really a fractal).

m6-159design m6-159

Any of the remaining three squares can be rotated by 180° without changing the final image, so there is only one possibility in this case.

Remove all squares except squares 4,5,6

Removing all squares except for squares 4, 5, and 6 without rotating any of the remaining squares produces the following image (just a horizontal line segment, so technically not really a fractal).

m6-456design m6-456

The image will not change if any of the squares are rotated by 180° If square 4 is rotated by 270° (and thus square 6 by 90°), the result is shown below.

m6-456v2design m6-456v2

The same fractal would result whether square 5 is pointing up or down, and whether square 4 is pointing left or right. Therefore these two images are the only possibilities when all squares except 4, 5, and 6 are removed.

Remove all squares except squares 1,2,3 OR except 7,8,9

Removing all squares except for squares 1, 2, and 3 without rotating any of the remaining squares produces the following fractal.

m6-123design m6-123

The remaining square 1 can be rotated in two ways (0° or 180°), while square 2 has four choices. There are therefore 4×2 = 8 possible choices, and each produces a different fractal. Each of these has a corresponding reflected version obtained by removing all squares except 7, 8, and 9.

The following three cases are similar to the one above, and each has 8 possible choices.

Remove all squares except squares 1,4,6 OR except 4,6,9

m6-146design m6-146

Remove all squares except squares 1,7,8 OR except 2,3,9

m6-178design m6-178

Remove all squares except squares 2,3,5 OR except 5,7,8

m6-235design m6-235


The total number of fractals when removing five squares is therefore 1+2+8+8+8+8=35.

Remove 7

Following are the four basic designs from removing 7 squares and not rotating the remaining two.

m7-19design m7-46design m7-15design m7-23design

The first produces a vertical Cantor set. The second produces a horizontal Cantor set. The other two produce Cantor like sets. Including rotations, there are a total of 1+2+4+4=11 different possible fractals from the four designs (and their reflective companions).


See a Gallery of some of the Sierpinski Carpet relatives.
See some video demonstrations of the IFS construction of some of the Sierpinski Carpet relatives.